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So now we’re at Friday

4 Nov

I wrote TWO entries, and didn’t like either of them, so I scrapped them.

It’s Friday, and I’m not happy about it.  I am not thrilled that it’s the weekend.  I had a lot to do this week, and I didn’t get it all done, so now it’s spilling over into the weekend. That means that Friday is just the gateway to a weekend full o’ work.

It’s not an unusual occurrence, but it’s kind of a bummer to head into the weekend knowing that I’ve got to get a lot of things done, and watching 12 straight hours of Say Yes to the Dress is off the table.  On days like this, I’d prefer it to be Monday.  When I have a lot to do, I always feel better about it having the whole work week ahead of me. See, there IS value to Mondays.

On a note of less gloom and doom, the babysitter is all set up so Mr. Beez and I can go to the movies tomorrow evening.  Depending on how much I get done today, we may also take a visit to GoodTaste Pittsburgh tomorrow.